Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Journal of Scientific Management and Development

Question: Discuss about the Journal of Scientific Management and Development. Answer: Introduction Strategic human resource planning is a function considered to be a necessary component of the strategic human resource management. It is a tool that connects the HR to the strategic organization of the company more so in the case of large businesses and mid companies. Strategic human resource planning helps these firms to achieve their objectives through issuing guidance in the resource management. This paper will be discussing the importance of human resource allocation in the face of successful completion of projects by considering the associated political influences. The primary objective of the paper is to highlight the ways which the extensive and significant technical projects can be managed by a company into a successful completion. Other critical areas of discussion include the significance of the human resource in the successful conclusion of a project by giving insight on the key aspects of the human resource management. While considering the political forces, it is importa nt to note that the shifts in the opinion of the locals to transform in the government politics can significantly affect the functions and operations involving human resource planning as these will be influencing the financial patterns of the project including the tax rates imposed on the project. Effective Strategic HR Planning Strategic human resource allocation has been defined as the process involving the development and the implementation of the policies of the human resource and practices that are aimed at developing competencies of the employees and the desired behaviors by the company in the attainment of the strategic objectives (Karimkhani, Jahangirfard, Amani, 2017). Human resource planning can, on the other hand, be defined as the organization and the utilization of the human resources in an organization in the best desirable manner and number to facilitate the performance of the normal activities in the face of achieving the goals and objectives of the organization in a smooth manner. In the case, the future requirements of the employees are determined. For the case of strategic human resource management, it is seen to be associated with the strategies of the business in a more direct manner, and it requires planning for the plans to be achieved. The Ansoff matrix can be used by the human resou rce to develop and formulate strategies to deal with the challenges in the global market. The pattern is considered the best tool that a firm can use to be able to attain a competitive strength (Huda, Anika Khaled, 2014). For the event of market penetration, the business will be aiming at increasing the products sales in the current market without the effect of becoming a part of the market. A company makes the decision to put out part of its customers and choose other alternatives including the new expenses on the promotion of the goods and enhancing the quality of the products. The development strategy of the market is where the company can fetch new customers for the product that are already in the market. In the case, the business decides to get new clients in the existing market through the process of discovering new a section of the new market. The aim of the product development strategy is to sell the products in the current markets by offering more advanced goods than the ones who were being sold in the market before (Swanson Droege, 2016). The development of the products can be in the contexts of the good making use of the production capacities as well as the integration of new and advanced technologies in the development process (Su Yang, 2015). The business can also use the strategies to keep the reputation of the greatest innovator in the market. In the contexts of diversification, the company engages in activities to try and produce new commodities in the market. The development of a strategy is a critical process in a business organization, and the human resource management has had connections to the HR planning to be able to come up with the best plans for the business group. These strategies are to be designed in a way that they will create a competitive advantage that will assist the company in attaining a desirable market share. Other tools that could be used by the human resource in selecting an aggressive approach include porters five forces and the SWOT analysis. These tools can assist a company in seeing the gaps in the business and help in making decisions that will give the business a competitive strength in the market (Kellermanns et al. 2016). HR planning and project management The handling of the key human resource management projects is usually a challenge especially in the cases where external forces are influencing the decision-making process surrounding the project. The complex projects will need the human resource management to come up with strategic links together with the human resource planning to be able to implement a project to its completion successfully and to make sure the operations are efficient. In the case of the disruption of the rail at Queensland, it is a reflection of a project that never incorporated any strategic human resource planning. In any project, there is always a need for a strategic planning by the human resource where the manager will ensure that the project has been allocated enough resources that will allow enhancing its successful completion and functioning (Rosolen, Maclennan, 2016). The lack of enough train drivers at the rail at Queensland is a reflection of a project where there was no adequate planning at the time of the project development process, through to its implementation and launching. The project lacked a subsequent human resource allocation that would have allowed every process and program in the project was functioning correctly and efficiently. However, the case of the distribution of the human resource at the rail project at Queensland could have been affected by the political force as evident in the issues concerning the distribution of funds for the project. The project was undergoing critical financial problems that needed to be addressed, but the human resource was not able to get the practical assistance from the respective departments. Instead, the government had a lot of focus on the timetable that was to get the train operational and the responsible agency for the rail management had no alternative. The case saw a project that would have turned out to be effective and efficient if the government, a political entity, in this case, took note of the request by the project managers and issue funds to support the resource allocation before planning the timetable for the travel (Lujn, 2017). The failure of the rail project, in this case, can be attributed to the political influences that acted quickly to make decisions rather than focusing on the necessities needed to make the project a success. The drivers would have been hired if the administration had enough human resource who in this case are the drivers to manage to work within the schedules as was planned by the government. However, the evidence implies that the human resource needs to work together with the strategic human resource planning in the work to be active and efficient. But, it is also evident that the external forces can be barriers to the effectiveness of the two functional units of the human resource (Swanson Droege, 2016). The political barriers can easily and severely affect the human resource allocation in the definition of the taxes that businesses and organizations are liable to pay. The latter can be done by the inaction of strict laws in the case of market entries in the state as well as in the allocation of resources by the government to the public and the private entities. The interference by the political entities can significantly affect the success of the projects even in the cases of the where the human resources are actively working with the strategic human resource planning. Business and projects in the case Queensland would have been sufficient if the agencies responsible for the decision-making processes would not have interfered with the managerial planning of the project by the assigned managers. Queensland Rail experienced financial barriers that affected the resource allocation. The decisions to allocate funds were impacted by the government in the choice to focus on the timetable t o see the rails moving around and never cared if the project had enough resources (Lioukas, Reuer, Zollo, 2016). The Resource-Based View (RBV) of the Firm The resource-based view is a shift in perceptions towards the human resource management where a lot of focus is on the internal resources of a company and not in the analysis of the performances looking at the external entities. The proponents of the RBV have done a lot in assisting in the understanding of the conditions that the human resource turns out to be limited, more valuable and extremely hard to copy. The people advocating for the RBV argues that it is a manipulation of the resources of a firm that are responsible for the unique structure of the organization and the sustainable competitive advantage. The different works by these advocates have resulted in many interests in the resource-based view more so in the sense of identifying ways to construct and develop unique performances. Literature has it that many corporations emphasize on competing in the modern meaning that there needs to be too much devotion to the presentation of the past and no enough to create the future (K aufman, 2015). In the process of focusing on the internal aspects of the business, the cases of the human resource practices are the fundamental elements to having a competitive value. The latter has been attributed to the fact that the issues have a lot more focused on the capabilities powerful than the competitors. When the business is undergoing a merger or acquisition, views have it that the resource-based becomes more important. The failures associated with the merger and the acquisitions are never attributed to the planning point but at the stage where the implementation setbacks are traced to the employees. At the point, the human resources are considered and declared an essential for the success of the merger and acquisition. Considering the views regarding the RBV, strategic human resource management acknowledges the vulnerability of the human capital to an organization. The primary responsibility of a human resource in making sure the company meets all its expectations and in the construction of a better competitive advantage is defined by various factors. Among these elements includes the ability to integrate and implement as well as mutually reinforcing the resource systems ensuring there are desirable talents. Another aspect is when based on the recruitment where the human capital is usually developed and appreciated through rewards. The human capital is also often managed to attain their full potential. The notion of the horizontal integration or achievement of congruence between different policies of the Human resource and the activities of the human resource is developed better in the approached focused on strategic human resource management (Antohi, Moraru, Ghita-Mitrescu Duhnea, 2016). Conclusion Strategic human resource planning helps these firms to achieve their objectives through issuing guidance in the resource management. Strategic human resource allocation has been defined as the process involving the development and the implementation of the policies of the human resource and practices that are aimed at developing competencies of the employees and the desired behaviors by the company in the attainment of the strategic objectives. The Ansoff matrix can be used by the human resource to develop and formulate strategies to deal with the challenges in the global market. The pattern is considered the best tool that a firm can use to be able to attain a competitive strength. Other tools that could be used by the human resource in selecting an aggressive approach include porters five forces and the SWOT analysis. The handling of the key human resource management projects is usually a challenge especially in the cases where external forces are influencing the decision-making pr ocess surrounding the project. The interference by the political entities can significantly affect the success of the projects even in the cases of the where the human resources are actively working with the strategic human resource planning. References Antohi, I, Moraru, A, Ghita-Mitrescu, S, Duhnea, C 2016, 'The Strategic Approach To Human Resources Management Practices In Romanian Companies - An Empirical Study', Annals Of The University Of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 25, 2, pp. 480-487, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Huda, K, Anika, T, Khaled, M 2014, 'Strategic Human Resource Development Practices: An Empirical Study of Steel Manufacturing Industries of Bangladesh', International Management Review, 10, 2, pp. 24-31, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Kaufman, BE 2015, 'The RBV theory foundation of strategic HRM: critical flaws, problems for research and practice, and an alternative economics paradigm', Human Resource Management Journal, 25, 4, pp. 516-540, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Karimkhani, M, Jahangirfard, M, Amani, V 2017, 'Examining the Impact of Effective Internal Organizational Factors on Human Resource Planning - A Case Study in Halco Co', International Journal Of Scientific Management Development, 5, 2, pp. 57-63, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017 Kellermanns, F, Walter, J, Crook, T, Kemmerer, B, Narayanan, V 2016, 'The Resource-Based View in Entrepreneurship: A Content-Analytical Comparison of Researchers' and Entrepreneurs' Views', Journal Of Small Business Management, 54, 1, pp. 26-48, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Lujn Salazar, LA 2017, 'The Resource-Based View and the Concept of Value The Role of Emergence in Value Creation', Mercados Y Negocios, 3, 35, pp. 27-45, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Lioukas, C, Reuer, J, Zollo, M 2016, 'Effects of Information Technology Capabilities on Strategic Alliances: Implications for the Resource-Based View', Journal Of Management Studies, 53, 2, pp. 161-183, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Rosolen, T, Ferranty Maclennan, M 2016, 'Strategic human resource management and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Emerging Markets', Internext: Revista Electrnica De Negcios Internacionais Da ESPM, 11, 2, pp. 66-80, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Su, C, Yang, T 2015, 'Hoshin Kanri planning process in human resource management: recruitment in a high-tech firm', Total Quality Management Business Excellence, 26, 1/2, pp. 140-156, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Swanson, B, Droege, S 2016, 'Teaching Note: Applying The Resourcebased View Of The Firm To Qingdao, China', Journal Of The International Academy For Case Studies, 22, 2, pp. 110-121, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017. Swanson, B, Droege, S 2016, 'Applying The Resource-Based View Of The Firm To Qingdao, China', Journal Of The International Academy For Case Studies, 22, 1, pp. 112-123, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 March 2017.

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