Monday, May 18, 2020

Legal Compliance - 995 Words

Legal Compliance: â€Å"Xerox† By Kenneth Edwards Dr. Ed HRM530 October 30, 2011 Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the strategies that Xerox should implement to achieve legal compliance in the hiring process as it relates to the acquisition on feminine human resources. Additionally, discrimination in the workplace will be evaluated and discussed. Discuss how human resource professionals can ensure that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines. Often Human Resources (HR) wants only to educate. By providing corporate leadership with a working knowledge of how to abiding by the federal laws will only cause them to understand what they†¦show more content†¦The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has helped in the transition to bring it to a state of equilibrium. However this created a significant amount of hostility in the workplace. The friends of the white males who were passed over for position began to despise the minority or woman who was hired. The little things that could legally be done in retaliation were done. The weapons used to discourage the instigators of change were things like additional work forcing the new employee to work nights and weekends or being looked over for public praise. Over time, the petty knee jerk reactions began to dissipate. However the distain for the invaders had not gone away it has only changed it outward appearance. The use of education verses experience has created a legal loophole allowing companies to hire who they want and reject other qualified employee who simply have not been given the opportunity to prove themselves. In an effort to dissolve public perceptions of discrimination â€Å"token† employees have been hired and put in positions of high visibility. As long as the person conforms to the public image which has been ingrained on the USA’s public psyche as being the correct way of being, they are kept on. If they step out of line they, publicly disgraced and removed. On an individual basis, white men over the last 15 year have been given an unfair disadvantage. However looking at it from a macro view, white men are stillShow MoreRelatedLegal Compliance: Xerox1027 Words   |  4 PagesLegal Compliance: Xerox 1. Discuss how human resource professionals can ensure that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines. Human resources professional can ensure that top organizational leaders support managers and employees are following laws and guidelines by educating new employees and providing reoccurring training for all managers. 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