Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Workplace and Patient Safety - 1387 Words

Hospital Workplace and Patient safety: The first interventions for positive outcome Outline of the Article I. Backgound II. Objective III. Errors due to fatigue of nursing personnel IV. Healthcare Associated Infections V. Personal Protective equipments VI. Hand Hygiene VII. Transitions of care and Patient Handoffs VIII. Conclusion IX. References Hospital Workplace and Patient safety: The first interventions for positive outcome Background Safety of any workplace is very important in†¦show more content†¦Fatigue can also be prevented by employing relaxation techniques in care settings. There should also be proper screening techniques to understand the level of fatigue of particular nursing personnel on a particular day and if needed she should be deployed in less critical units to avoid chances of errors. This is because critical care patents often lack suitable coping strategies to combat the errors that jeopardize their safety. Healthcare Associated Infections Healthcare Associated Infections not only impacts the patients who are admitted but also the care providers who are deployed for providing care. The major healthcare associated infections are nosocomial infections and transmission diseases like hepatitis A and B. Nosocomial infections are hospital acquired infections and are mainly caused by gram negative organisms and methicilin resistant staphylococcus. These are opportunistic pathogens and whenever a patient is febrile or having a decreased immune function, these pathogens cause super infections that leads to increased morbidity and mortality in patients. These pathogens may also infect health care providers who have a compromised nutritional and immunological status and such individuals are readily attacked by these pathogens. The major cause of their prevalence is under dosing of antibiotic regimes, improper asepsis procedures in healthcareShow MoreRelatedLateral Workplace Violence : Effective, Destructive, Or Harassment Behavio r1344 Words   |  6 Pages Lateral workplace violence is described as aggressive, destructive, or harassment behavior in the workplace between nurses or other members of the interprofessional team (Yoder-Wise, 2015). This type of behavior can occur within every aspect of life including professional, social, and personal life. The behavior can include gossiping, withholding information, or ostracism extending outside of the workplace and can occur in person or in cyberspace (American Nursing Association, 2011). LateralRead Moremiss1624 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Safety Health at Work SN1794 Assignment 10/3/2013 Joy Mc Inerney Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Explore the role of communications and training in promotion and provision of health and safety in the workplace. 3. 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